We believe in quality. Quality of our materials. Quality of our workmanship. Quality of our service to our Business Partners.
Founded in 2006, Total Graphic Advertising Phils. Inc. currently provides reliable indoor/outdoor advertising materials. Coming from a sole proprietor type of business, incorporators decided to begin expanding the business fueled by their drive to attain global competitiveness, not to mention their years of exposure in the advertising industry.
It is TGAPI’s guiding rule to constantly maintain utmost professionalism, creativity and reliability.
The company’s vision is to be enabled by their seasoned designers, craftsmen and experienced crew capable of meeting the most demanding Ad campaign.
Each project is thoroughly discussed with our clients and carefully assessed in terms of objective, strategy, timelines and ultimately cost effectiveness and efficiency.
Our local and foreign supplier network ensures a steady influx of quality materials which can be utilized in the most resourceful way yielding the best return-on-investment and maintain target consumer exposure and recall whether Out-of-Home or at the Point-of-Sale.
Through these long term partnerships, we enjoy the best terms of payment and prompt delivery thus being mutually beneficial to our clients.
Contact Us
Head Office: 135 M.H. Del Pilar Street, Tugatog, Malabon City 1470
TeleFax:(+632) 285-9456, (+632) 355-0254
E-Mail: tgadpi@totalgraphicadphilsinc.com